STEER is led by respected experts in the field of Education and AI and have provided advice to UNESCO.
How does STEER help prepare students for work & life in an AI economy?
STEER has run a 15 year programme to develop tools to train such human skills in students. STEER’s tools are all powered by research-based strategies. We have developed models to measure and improve functions of the mind which are uniquely human, so that our results are quantifiable.
Machines are performing an increasing range of professional functions- including reporting and report writing, auditing, accounting, legal work, research analysis and more. The skills which underpin those roles are no longer unique to humans.
However, some skills require human neural processing: these include emotional skills, metacognition, social and self-regulation and leadership. Such human skills will become increasingly important to preserve and cultivate in an AI age.
STEER has developed technologies to turn such human skills, often seen as soft skills into hard, measurable, trainable metrics. Using advanced data models and cognitive measurement techniques, our tools advance the race to accelerate human skill development.
Out tools include:
STEER Student Wellbeing Development Platform
Termly feedback for every Y7-11 student, tailored to their personal needs, to improve their mental health, learning and relationships.
Personalised soft skill training app for Y12-13 students to train the human skills required in the workplace.
KS2 Curriculum to teach younger children critical social and emotional skills

Does STEER make use of AI in its own products?
STEER could integrate AI for some user functions, but it would be like training a cyclist to get fit by using an E-Bike. They might go faster but they wouldn’t get fitter. Using AI could counteract the positive impact we have training teachers to think and feel.
STEER offers an alternative human-facing pathway to the one offered by AI driven mental health tech. STEER prompts and trains teachers and students to review, reflect and react in better and more healthy ways. This requires thought and effort- there’s no shortcut for doing the work oneself.
“Evidence shows that the quality of the feedback, dialogue and relationship between student and teacher is the single most effective accelerator to learning, contributor to mental health and safeguarder of wellbeing.”
As and when generative AI contributes to our mission to strengthen this student-teacher relationship, we will be happy to use it.

Does STEER see benefits for schools in using AI?
STEER sees many applications of AI that could free up teachers to focus on their core role. This role is to accompany each student through adolescence so they acquire the skills needed to thrive in life intellectually, socially and emotionally.
Some research suggests teachers currently spend 60% of their time on non-teaching tasks: planning, marking and reporting. AI has the potential to reduce that workload. For example, AI can:
Flag repeated errors made by a student, directing them to exercises tailored to overcome that weakness.
Help personalise student learning.
Enable teachers mark 30 scripts and summarise the key issues to address very quickly.
Aggregate and analyse behavioural, attendance, academic and mental health data
“Used this way, AI has the potential to free up teacher time. Valuable teacher time is best spent in conversation with students modelling learning, facilitating discussion and scaffolding experimentation.”
Adolescence is also a period of critical social-emotional development which determines life-long outcomes beyond the classroom. Investing in the relationship a student has with their teachers and peers is a strong protective factor to prevent longer-term societal problems.
School can be an incubator of strengths such as emotional resilience, social competency and relational network. These all underpin a person’s long term health and wellbeing. Using AI for non-relational work tasks can help societies switch schools to be investors in long-term citizen strength.

Making an impact
BETT Awards Winner - STEER Tracking

“An innovative whole school approach which gives a more holistic perspective on pupil development. A much needed leadership tool.”
Other STEER products
STEER Tracking
A whole-school online application to measure, track and improve the self-regulation and mental health of every young person in your care.
A whole-school online application to proactively detect hidden safeguarding risks that otherwise could go undetected.
School Impact
A whole-school online application to measure, track and improve the impact of your school culture on the wellbeing of specific cohorts.
PSHE & Families
Curriculum and family resources to support young people's social emotional literacy (SEL), in and out of school.
A technology-enabled, soft skill training course giving 16-18 year olds a head start in the race for jobs.

Want to chat?
If you would like to talk to a teacher who has used STEER then contact our team today.
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