A whole school mental health approach…

A whole-school, peer reviewed platform that strengthens the bond between school and student by equipping every teacher to give each child the right wellbeing support, at the right time.


Of schools say STEER has helped them identify vulnerable students earlier

Signposting young people through their entire 10 year school journey


Our purpose

STEER Education exists to prepare young people with the human skills they need to thrive in life. 

The road of adolescence is getting harder for young people to navigate. Research shows that self-regulation is a critical skill that young people need for that journey. Our mission is to safeguard the mental health of the young people by teaching them to self-regulate. We do that by serving families, schools and young people themselves.

How we do it

STEER provides schools with a peer reviewed, standardised, data-driven, impact-focused toolkit to measure, track, and improve social-emotional health across their schools, and demonstrate a high level of proactive safeguarding.

Our tools track how every young person steers four factors of self-regulation: their self-disclosure, trust of them self, trust of others, and seeking change.

STEER schools track their young people 3 times a year, year on year, from 8 to 18, providing early mental health risk flags, and personalised action plans to guide teachers’ response. We even provide practical guidance for children’s families.


STEER’s approach has been carefully developed through peer reviewed research led by Dr. Simon and Dr. Jo Walker over 20 years, based on the robust foundation of improving student self-regulation and SEL.

Improving student self-regulation has been shown to be one of the most robust foundations for improving mental health, social competencies and academic progress.

STEER has built on this foundation, developing robust tools through rigorous, large scale studies, to measure, track and improve student self-regulation, and thereby, mental health.

In 2024 our peer review was published validating our novel science. A separate independent study concluded that STEER improved student attendance and built teacher mental health confidence without adding to teacher workload.

What we track and improve

STEER tracks and improves the ability of young people to self-regulate.

Why self regulation matters

Making an impact

BETT Awards Winner - STEER Tracking

“Bett judges: A much needed leadership tool”

How young people benefit

At the centre of STEER’s world are young people. Everything we build is designed to equip them with the human skills they need to thrive in life.

Young people don’t always have the words to ask for help; they often don’t know how to express what they need; they sometimes aren’t heard when they try. That’s where STEER comes in - we ensure that no young person’s voice is overlooked.

Teachers don’t always have time to sit and listen. But every teacher wants to help their students; so STEER turns that intention into an achievable reality, saving teacher’s time and giving them the guidance they need for each conversation.

School is a preparation for life. Good self-regulation leads to both good mental health and good academic outcomes. It is a life-long foundation. STEER ensures that every school can have a measurable impact on every student’s grades AND their life-long mental health.

One Two Three

My voice is heard

Young people don’t always have the words to ask for help; they often don’t know how to express what they need; they sometimes aren’t heard when they try. That’s where STEER comes in - we ensure that no young person’s voice is overlooked.

My teachers know how to help me

Teachers don’t always have time to sit and listen. But every teacher wants to help their students; so STEER turns that intention into an achievable reality, saving teacher’s time and giving them the guidance they need for each conversation.

I am developing skills for life

School is a preparation for life. Good self-regulation leads to both good mental health and good academic outcomes. It is a life-long foundation. STEER ensures that every school can have a measurable impact on every student’s grades AND their life-long mental health.

Our five step process

Working with hundreds of schools over 10 years, STEER has refined a five step process to effectively implement whole school mental health safeguarding.

We’ve supported state and independent schools, large school groups and small individual schools, to successfully implement this process across more than 15 countries.

Who we do it for…

“Steer has enabled our academies to accurately and efficiently identify students with hidden vulnerabilities, and those who might otherwise be hidden”

UK School Academy Group Safeguarding Lead

“If we find in a particular year there is an issue round girl's Self-Disclosure, for example, we can put together a structured cohort plan. And it allows us to see the impact of that plan. ”

Peter Goodyer, CEO of the Bede's School Trust

“STEER has surpassed our expectations. It provides objective, incisive analysis and tangible action plans. We couldn’t imagine being without this extra, invaluable set of pastoral eyes."

Emma Trelawny-Vernon, DSL, Saint Ronan's School

Safeguarding leads Head Teachers Teachers

“Steer has enabled our academies to accurately and efficiently identify students with hidden vulnerabilities, and those who might otherwise be hidden”

UK School Academy Group Safeguarding Lead

“If we find in a particular year there is an issue round girl's Self-Disclosure, for example, we can put together a structured cohort plan. And it allows us to see the impact of that plan. ”

Peter Goodyer, CEO of the Bede's School Trust

“STEER has surpassed our expectations. It provides objective, incisive analysis and tangible action plans. We couldn’t imagine being without this extra, invaluable set of pastoral eyes."

Emma Trelawny-Vernon, DSL, Saint Ronan's School

Emma Trelawny-Vernon - DSL, Saint Ronan's School

STEER has surpassed our expectations. It provides objective, incisive analysis and tangible action plans. We couldn’t imagine being without this extra, invaluable set of pastoral eyes.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Cranleigh School

We think we have excellent pastoral systems. Using STEER allows us to pick up what we do not see and react to it

Deputy Head - UK Secondary School

The Steer programme has been highly successful in identifying pupils’ mental health and wellbeing needs and addressing these.

Head Teacher - Academy, London, UK

STEER allows us to redress the balance of our assessment systems, increasing the focus on children’s social and emotional development

Deputy Head - Monkton Combe School

STEER has significantly reduced the number of our pupils in need of critical pastoral support, a claim I can evidence.

INCYTE Inspectors - School Safeguarding Report

Because the academy has used the STEER programme proactively, there has been a significant decrease in self- harming by pupils.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - UK school

The information produced by the STEER student action plans is incredible and so helpful. The staff have really embraced it

Chris King - Chair, HMC 2019

STEER offers the opportunity to better understand the needs of individual pupils so they are more likely to perform to their academic potential.

Governor - UK Secondary School

The accuracy and focus that STEER brings to the school's pastoral care means that we, as a Board, have huge confidence that we are discharging our duty.


Because the academy has used the STEER programme proactively, there has been a significant decrease in self- harming by pupils.

INCYTE Inspectors - School Safeguarding Report

STEER provides us with the data to support the new inspection requirement for personal development.

Houseparent - UK Secondary School

STEER is oracular. It continues to predict issues which subsequently come up.

Alex Balls - Deputy Head, Reeds School

STEER enables us to identify issues before they develop into real pastoral concerns.

Ready to get started?

If you would like to get started with STEER then contact our team to book a call today.

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