Every teacher. Every child.

Equipping every teacher to measure, track and guide each student’s mental wellbeing, so schools can act early to give each child the right support, at the right time.
Peer reviewed. Proactive. Personal.

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Students supported by a STEER action plan reduce their social-emotional risks in 6 months*

Know which students need support and how to provide it

STEER Tracking is a ground breaking, peer reviewed toolkit to measure, track and improve the self-regulation of every young person in your school; to equip your teachers to give personalised support and to evidence its impact on wellbeing term by term.

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STEER works to support schools, teachers, clinicians, here’s what they have to say…


Head teachers


Deputy Heads


School teachers

Dot Mohan - DSL, Bromham Primary

STEER took away the sinking feeling that you can get. It gives you legs when you see the support you can give a pupil who is struggling.

Emma Kendrick - Headteacher, Downe House School

STEER helps us look proactively at how we support all our students.

William Trelawny Vernon - Headteacher, Saint Ronan’s School

We wanted a safe, objective and effective way of monitoring the mental health of our students.

Alex Balls - Deputy Head, Reeds School

STEER enables us to identify issues before they develop into real pastoral concerns.

Rachel Smart - Deputy Head, St Clare’s School

STEER leads to really quality conversations with pupils about how they are feeling.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - UK school

We couldn’t imagine being without STEER’s extra, invaluable set of pastoral eyes.

Rowena Simmons - Group Safeguarding Lead, Academies Enterprise Trust

Steer has enabled us to identify students with hidden vulnerabilities who might otherwise remain hidden.

Chris King - Chair, HMC 2019

STEER offers the opportunity to better understand the needs of individual pupils so they are more likely to perform to their academic potential.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - UK School

The information produced by the STEER student action plans is incredible and so helpful. The staff have really embraced it.

School Governor - UK School

The accuracy and focus that STEER brings to the school's pastoral care means that we, as a Board, have huge confidence that we are discharging our duty.

Martin Reader - Headteacher, Cranleigh School

STEER provides us with the data to support the new inspection requirement for personal development.

Deputy Head - Monkton Combe School

STEER has significantly reduced the number of our pupils in need of critical pastoral support, a claim I can evidence.

Head teacher - Academy, London UK

STEER allows us to redress the balance of our assessment systems, increasing the focus on children’s social and emotional development

INCYTE Inspectors - UK Secondary Academy Safeguarding Inspection report

Because the academy has used the STEER programme proactively, there has been a significant decrease in self- harming by pupils.

Deputy Head Pastoral - UK secondary school

We have had some real great breakthroughs with the action plans following the first round of STEER assessments

Making an impact

BETT Awards Winner 2021 - STEER Tracking

“Bett judges: A much needed leadership tool”

We've tracked and safeguarded the wellbeing of almost 500,000 young people in schools around the world

Schools using STEER

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If you would like to get started with STEER then contact our team to book a call today.

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*June 2021 STEER Education School Impact Survey